Kềm bấm mạng Dintek-Crimping tool (6102-01002CH)

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Kềm bấm mạng Dintek-Crimping tool (6102-01002CH)

Kềm bấm mạng Dintek-Crimping tool (6102-01002CH)

- Product Code: 6102-01002CH

- Crimping tool - kèm bấm mạng, for 6/8P modular used.

DINTEK Premium RJ45 Crimp Tool

This modular crimping tool makes terminating communications cabling plugs easy. As an all-in-one tool, it lets you easily terminate RJ45, RJ12 and RJ11 plugs with paired-conductor cables for voice and data applications. Trim and strip cords with precision in one motion, for consistent, high quality connections.

The tool includes two crimping slots suitable for 6 and 8 position modular plugs. It features a heat-treated carbon steel frame with black oxide finish for superior durability, a safety blade guard, and comfort grip handles that helps reduce fatigue.


- Works with solid and stranded style cables

- Heat-treated steel frame

- Black oxide finish for superior durability

- High quality ratchet action

- Safety blade guard

- Comfort grip handles that help reduce fatigue


- Terminating stranded and solid wire cables

- Terminating RJ11, RJ12 Telecoms style plugs

- Terminating RJ45 data communications plugs

Giá: 728.000 VND (Đã bao gồm VAT)

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